CMN Side Shift Frame

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CMN maskintec A/S

The CMN Shifting Frame for automatic steering of lift-mounted implements is a robust solution designed to be installed between the tractor and the equipment.

This powerful shifting frame is particularly well-suited for precise control and can be operated either through the tractor's GPS, a camera steering system, or manually via remote control

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Agromek 2024

This product can be seen at the exhibition.

This product can be seen at the Exhibition

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CMN maskintec A/S

CMN maskintec A/S is a Danish development and production company in the field of agricultural machinery and garden/park machinery.
Produktion of machines to reduced Herbicides and pesticides.
The product range covers the following areas: Reduced soil treatment, direct seeding in nitrogen-fixing crops, mechanical weed control in farm crops, total cleaning of uncultivated land, cutting of banks alongside roads, maintenance of sports pitches, grain management and product development.
The individual products are described under the main groups.

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