Tama Scandinavia AB, EZ-Web - The new, simple way to round bale

  • Rating Star Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

Product description:

EZ-web is the most sustainable way to bale ever. Its fully recyclable and can be recycled WITH the stretch film. No separation needed. Saving farmers effort and closing the loop of agricultural plastics

Expert description:

Recycling is a hot topic and will become increasingly important. One star is awarded for a product focused on the possibility of "recycling."

Further information:

Tama Scandinavia AB
Spinnerivägen 1, Nääs Fabriker, 448 51 Tollered
Tel: 46708347809
Email: david.johansson@tama-scandinavia.se
Website: https://www.tama-scandinavia.se/dk/

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