In only a few years the Danish producer of washing robots for pig farms, Washpower, has managed to implement more than 1.200 solutions worldwide and made washing in barns both easier and more efficient.
The process of washing in farming and particularly in pig productions is a very hard demanding job and not very attractive, thus hard to recruit qualified people for. That is why improving upon this task with an automatic washing solution, that cuts down up to 80% of the manual washing labor, is the way forward to both increase productivity and working environment in the pig barns.
Another great benefit of automizing washing is the uniform, reliable and better results it gives time after time, improving upon the ever-increasing demands of higher hygiene standards in stables across the globe.
The repeated uniform washing also adds the benefit of controlling the process of washing and knowing the exact water consumption. This gives the farmers control over the water usage and a tool that they can tweak and optimize through experience of use over time.
Robot technology is all about programing and being able to automate manual work 24/7, enabling the robot to automatic start washing during holidays and at night, meaning faster preparations for the next breed of piglets in the barns.