For 100 years, Danish Agro industry (DAI) has been a strong association for companies that supply machinery and equipment to agriculture and related industries.
DAI has almost 90 members, that specialize in agricultural machinery, machinery for the food industry, stable equipment, manure and grain handling equipment, bioenergy and AgTech solutions.
Throughout the next 30 years, the earth's population will increase to over 9 billion. people who all need to have three meals a day. This requires farmers around the world to produce food in the Danish way. That is, food production that is efficient, climate-friendly and with high animal welfare. The Danish agro-industry is among the best in the world for developing and selling solutions for future food production. Thus, the Danish agro-industry contributes to the fact that the world's population growth "can be done" and that both the Danish and foreign farmers reach their climate goals.