
D 3076

Protecting the world's harvest with innovative devices and data-driven insights.

AgroLog is a leading company in the agriculture technology industry, offering cutting-edge solutions to farmers, industrial grain storage facilities, and seed producers. Our product portfolio includes temperature and moisture sensor cables, moisture meters, and advanced grain monitoring and control software. Our software provides real-time monitoring of temperature, moisture, CO2, and level in stored grain and seeds, ensuring maximum crop quality and protection. With the use of the latest technology, AgroLog offers customers a powerful tool for maintaining control over their harvest and grain storage. Our goal is to support the agriculture industry with innovative, reliable and efficient solutions, so farmers and storage facilities can focus on what matters most - growing their business.

Our Grain Analyzers include moisture meters, a new Wireless Sensor Spear, and the AgroLog App. Meanwhile, our Grain Monitoring line offers an intelligent control and monitoring system supported by AgroLog Manager for crop storage facilities. Our small but international team of about 20 employees from different nationalities work closely with over 50 countries to provide the best solutions for farmers and experts in the field.

Let us help you secure your crops and values.

Meet us at Agromek 2024

Jeppe Ullé Walther


Jeppe er ansvarlig for den videnskabelige og teknologiske udvikling hos AgroLog. Han har en cand.scient. i Digital Medieteknik fra DTU og har tidligere erfaring med computer vision, maskinlæring og robotudvikling.


Jeppe Ullé Walther

Bjarke Sørensen

Interim Salgschef

Bjarke, som interim salgschef, er ansvarlig for alle projekter og opgaver relateret til salg. Med sin omfattende erfaring inden for landbrugsindustrien og iværksætteri samt sin erfaring fra rådgivende bestyrelser i ag-tech-branchen er han en værdifuld ressource for vores salgsafdeling. Du er velkommen til at kontakte Bjarke på dansk og engelsk.


Bjarke Sørensen

Evgeniy Bessarab

Salgsudvikling & Support

Evgeniy, oprindeligt fra Ukraine, er passioneret omkring salg og forretningsudvikling. Han har en bachelorgrad i landbrugsteknik og har arbejdet i landbrugssektoren siden 2018. Hans daglige opgaver inkluderer at generere salg og støtte salgsafdelingen. Du er velkommen til at kontakte Evgeniy på engelsk eller ukrainsk.


Evgeniy Bessarab
