It is the only hose reel machine from the Fasterholt brand.
It is built with a galvanized, strong chassis, gun carriage and hose drum, which makes the machine very solid.
The machine is equipped with a powerful gearbox with a built-in turbine, and is controlled by the Nortoft computer Program Regn 10-12.
The irrigation machine is equipped with hydraulic support legs and hydraulic cannon carriage lift. In addition, the machine is fitted with a cross track shaft, which ensures correct coiling of the hose.
Technical data:
Hose size: Max 550m/110mm
Total length: 7.90m incl. cannon carriage
Length without gun carriage: 5.20m
Height: 3.85m
Width: 2.70m
Total weight without water with 500m/110mm hose: 5250 kg
Wheel size: 14/65 x 16''