MSR Plant Technology ApS, 6-row variable tool frame for mechanical weeding and growth regulation - Europe news
Product description:
If a 4-row planter has been used, as shown in the video: the four rows on the right represent one pull, while the two on the left represent another pull. Using a 6-row variable cleaner after a 4-row planter allows for driving in the correct places: the tractor’s pressure is applied to the stone strings. The soil in the beds remains untouched and completely intact, loose and free of clods. The individual proactive steering systems ensure that the driver only needs to look ahead, while also allowing for maneuvering in curves and on slopes. This results in gains in time, environment, and economy.
Expert description:
Normally machine that plants potatoes and the subsequent cleaning must have the same width. The six-row variable tool frame for mechanical cleaning and growth regulation allows for operation without synchronizing the leading machines. This significantly increases capacity in potato production. It is a major innovation that is awarded three stars / European innovation.
Further Information:
MSR Plant Technology ApS
Hindingvej 38, 7700 Thisted
Tel: +45 2016 9705