Jysk Sandseparering Launches Sand Separation System for Separating Sand from Cattle Manure

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Product description:

Sand separation system for separating sand from slurry. The system is designed based on the farmer's need for a simple setup that is easy to operate and maintain. It can be tailored to the individual farmer's infrastructure, and there is no need for drastic adjustments to the pre-tank. Safety has been a major focus during development, particularly concerning the risk of hydrogen sulfide, which is extremely dangerous. Additionally, significant attention has been given to reducing noise and odor nuisance. The system is modular, ensuring that installation time is minimized. There has been a strong focus on keeping service costs as low as possible, and energy consumption is minimal.

Expert description:

Sand separation system for separating sand from cattle slurry. A new technology is used for the separation process, utilizing a spiral concentrator that, without moving parts, leverages gravity, centrifugal force, and density differences to separate sand, organic material, and liquid.

In the pre-tank, the slurry is stirred before being pumped to a mixer tank, where it is diluted with produced liquid under constant mixing. From the mixer tank, the diluted slurry flows by gravity over a special spiral concentrator that utilizes gravity, centrifugal force, and density differences to distribute sand, organic material, and liquid to adjustable outlets. The spiral concentrator has no moving parts and is easy to clean.

The outer fraction from the spiral is pumped over a sieve, which dewaters coarse organic material that is directed to the slurry tank (fully processed). The inner fraction from the spiral (highly sand-laden) is pumped directly to the sand dewaterer (sand washing). In the sand dewaterer, a light upward flow is created that separates the remaining organic material from the sand. The sand settles in the sand dewaterer and is transported with a screw and conveyor to the sand silo. The middle fraction from the spiral is pumped over a hydrocyclone that separates fine sand and delivers it to the sand dewaterer. The separated liquid from the hydrocyclone goes directly to the slurry tank, and a small portion is used for dilution in the mixer tank.

The system is modular and can be installed in connection with existing barn facilities without significant modification of the pre-tank and cross channels. The system is easy to operate and maintain, and energy consumption is minimal.

Further Information:

Jysk Sandseparering ApS 
Brørupvænget 18 
7650 Bøvlingbjerg 
Tel: +45 9788 5300 
Email: fgl+1@jclm.dk 
Website: [Not Provided]

Livestock Machinery

Press releases

Jysk Sandseparering Launches Sand Separation System for Separating Sand from Cattle Manure

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