at Agromek 2024


D 3376


  • LandbrugsAvisen

Represented companies

  • LandbrugsMedierne


Number of employees



København V, Danmark

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At LandbrugsMedierne, it is our foremost task to supply Danish farmers, employees and industry professionals with the latest news and important professional knowledge. It is via LandbrugsAvisen, and the content areas: Cattle, Pigs and Machinery, that you can follow everything from the latest political measures, market prices and precision agriculture to tests of new agricultural equipment and tractor models.

LandbrugsAvisen is the farmer's own newspaper with more than 130,000 readers* and 1.2 million** visits to and our online professional universes - every month. In addition, we reach our readers and users via a number of magazines, newsletters, podcasts and SoMe channels. In this way, we are proud to be the farmer's preferred media house.

As an advertiser, we can offer you access to advertising and partnerships to reach your target audience. We attach great importance to documenting the number of our readers and users so you can trust that your marketing investment through us provides the greatest possible value.

*Kantar Gallup, 2022/2023
**Google Analytics, normal traffic 2023
