PresentationDirect contactBook a meeting at Agromek 2024Arbejdsgiverforeningen GLS-AC 2600 You are writing directly to the supplierVi glæder os til at høre fra dig!GLSA Gartneri-, Land- og Skovbrugets ArbejdsgivereName * Email * Message * SendTak for din henvendelseVi tager kontakt til dig snarestGo to webpageSubcategorysResearch/educationCounsellingAssociations/organisationsNumber of employees11-25LocationsAarhus N, DanmarkSee alsoMedlemsfordele Få en fordel i dit ESG arbejde Find us atFacebook LinkedIn We have registrered the supplier as exhibitorThey have not yet filled in their profile though.Accept marketing cookies to watch this videoplay_arrowMeet us at Agromek 2024Anne Marie Hagelskjær Smit Contact Stephan Vinther Petersen Contact