Agromek Stars Award:
Celebrating innovation in agriculture
On 26 November 2024, the Agromek Award Show was held to celebrate the most innovative new products in agriculture. Among 21 nominated solutions, six innovative products were awarded the prestigious Agromek Stars Award.
Congratulations to the winners:
- VA SizeMatters from Vestjyllands Andel - Optimises feed quality through precise measurements.
- Väderstad Proceed - A versatile seed drill that offers uniform seed placement.
- WekoAgro Machinery: Self-propelled irrigation machine - Innovative technology that automates and streamlines irrigation.
- BoviWalk ApS - AI-powered surveillance camera to detect lame cows.
- Neeo Bovis ApS: Neeo Bovis Laser - A handheld laser for the treatment of mastitis with a focus on animal welfare.
- SEMEX - New breeding value for methane efficiency that contributes to CO2 reduction in agriculture.
Nominated for Agromek Award
Allocation of stars
Below are the news that have been awarded 3, 2, or 1 star, respectively
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
Judges and experts committee
A story if success from Agromek Stars - Assentoft Silo
Listen when John Serup tells about Assentoft Silos story of success, after receiving 3 stars at Agromek Stars in 2022.
You can also meet the agriculturarist Erik Bredholt, who bought the der har købt nitrogen system.