Agromek Stars Award:
Celebrating innovation in agriculture

On 26 November 2024, the Agromek Award Show was held to celebrate the most innovative new products in agriculture. Among 21 nominated solutions, six innovative products were awarded the prestigious Agromek Stars Award.

Congratulations to the winners:

  • VA SizeMatters from Vestjyllands Andel - Optimises feed quality through precise measurements.
  • Väderstad Proceed - A versatile seed drill that offers uniform seed placement.
  • WekoAgro Machinery: Self-propelled irrigation machine - Innovative technology that automates and streamlines irrigation.
  • BoviWalk ApS - AI-powered surveillance camera to detect lame cows.
  • Neeo Bovis ApS: Neeo Bovis Laser - A handheld laser for the treatment of mastitis with a focus on animal welfare.
  • SEMEX - New breeding value for methane efficiency that contributes to CO2 reduction in agriculture.

Agromek Stars Award Show

Nominated for Agromek Award

Viking Danmark, SenseHub® Youngstock, for monitoring calves from birth to 12 months.

Viking Danmark, SenseHub® Youngstock, for monitoring calves from birth to 12 months.

Livestock Machinery

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Product description: Using the SenseHub® Youngstock ear tag, automatic health monitoring of group-housed calves is possible from the first day of life until they are 12 months old. Changes in sucking activity, physical activity, eating time, and rumination are recorded via the electronic ear tag, and alerts are sent through reports if challenges are detected. This enables the early detection of health problems and the prevention of disease development even before visible symptoms appear. Data is exchanged with DMS. Expert description: Stand-alone system for monitoring calves and young heifers from birth up to 12 months. The company already markets a similar system for monitoring cows and older heifers. The animals' activity, among other things, is recorded using an electronic ear tag, which can track physical activity, eating time, sucking activity in milk-fed calves, and rumination. This enables the recording of drinking times for group-housed calves fed milk in troughs or bowls. The automatic monitoring allows for the detection of health issues and the prevention of disease development even before visible symptoms appear. There is data exchange with DMS. The ear tag includes an LED indicator light that can be automatically or manually activated to blink at different speeds, making it easier to identify calves requiring special attention. The ear tag can remain on the calf for life as the application automatically transitions through life stages to heifer and later to cow. Further Information: VikingDanmark Agro Food Park 12 8200 Aarhus N Tel: +45 8728 2000 Email: Website:

Dan Egtved A/S, EspaFLEX ammonia-reducing floor.

Dan Egtved A/S, EspaFLEX ammonia-reducing floor.

Livestock Machinery

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Product description: Rubber floor for slatted surfaces with many features. EspaFLEX is an innovative rubber floor that reduces slot openings while incorporating a sloped design, allowing slurry (and thus ammonia) to disappear more quickly into the slurry channel. This reduces evaporation by up to 38%. In addition to its ammonia-reducing effect, the EspaFLEX mat increases dryness on the surface, promoting better hoof health while also enhancing comfort. The rubber mat can be used on all types of slatted floors, as the mats are produced to specifications and can therefore be applied in both older barns and new constructions. It works with all types of scrapers. Expert description: New rubber mat for slatted floors. The mat features an integrated slope of 3% towards the slot openings, ensuring efficient drainage of the thin part of the slurry and significantly reducing ammonia evaporation from the floor. The mat comes in thicknesses of 18 mm and 33 mm and is produced to specifications for different types of slatted floors. The slope of the mat allows for faster drainage, which enables a reduction in the number of slot openings, further contributing to decreased evaporation from the underlying slurry channel. The drainage also provides a drier and slip-resistant surface. The mats can be adapted to all types of scraper systems and can be secured directly in the slot openings. Additionally, the mats are partially made from recycled rubber from sources such as tires. Further Information: Dan Egtved A/S Hejlskovbjerg 1 6040 Egtved Tel: +45 7555 1366 Email: Website:

Lely Nordic A/S, Lely Juno Max

Lely Nordic A/S, Lely Juno Max

Livestock Machinery

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Product description: Lely Juno Max is a self-guided feed pusher designed for large farms, aimed at quickly, smartly, and efficiently pushing feed in multiple barns and feeding alleys. This means it can automatically navigate several different areas both indoors and outdoors. It features a completely redesigned navigation system, including a collision sensor that ensures Juno Max can always perform its task safely and effectively. Expert description: Automatic feed pusher with high capacity for use in large cattle herds of up to 800–1000 cows. The pusher can operate in multiple barns and can travel outdoors between barns, handling inclines of up to 20%. The pusher is equipped with a new navigation system that utilizes laser scanning, odometry, and virtual maps of the farm to plan the optimal route between barns. The laser scanner is used both to assess the feed amounts on the feed table and to navigate around any obstacles on the feed table. The system calculates whether additional feed needs to be pushed in or if there is a shortage of feed on the feed table. The laser and collision sensor ensure high safety, even though the pusher operates at significantly higher speeds than other types of feeders. With its three large wheels, Juno Max can navigate uneven farmyards and slopes of up to 20%. The laser scanner and the built-in multifunctional stereo camera not only measure feed amounts at the feed table; they also detect obstacles. In combination with the virtual map, the camera and scanner enable the pusher to independently find a new route and complete its task. Everything is controlled via a digital management system and an app, which gives the farmer insight into all the robot's functions. With these tools, routes and schedules can be set, and developments in feed height can be monitored. The farmer can easily and quickly determine the robot's location, assign it a new task, or temporarily pause the feeding schedule through the app. This way, the farmer always has insight and easy control, and Juno Max can be tailored to the specific needs and layout of the individual farm. Further Information: Lely Nordic A/S Røde Banke 114, Erritsø 7000 Fredericia Tel: +45 7366 1650 Email: Website:

Big Dutchman (Skandinavien) A/S, Multi-phase feeding in combination with residue-free - Europe news

Big Dutchman (Skandinavien) A/S, Multi-phase feeding in combination with residue-free - Europe news

Livestock Machinery

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Product description: With this system, it is possible to mix two feeds in the piping during feeding. This is achieved by installing an additional feed pump; both pumps are controlled by frequency converters, allowing the desired mixture to be composed based on the pigs' curve day. This solution is combined with leftover feeding, meaning that no feed is returned to the mixing tank. Expert description: A wet feeding system that can pump two different mixtures into the same pipe. This significantly enhances the options for optimizing and managing feed, as it allows for transitional mixtures and the combination of multiple different feeds compared to a wet feeding system with a single pump. Issues such as phase feeding for pregnant sows and transitional feeding can be addressed with this system using existing mixtures. This allows all pregnant sows to be fed with low lysine and protein levels, while, for example, pens with gilts and highly pregnant sows can be mixed with more lysine and protein, regardless of their location in the barn. This has positive effects on productivity, sustainability, and production economics. Further Information: Big Dutchman (Scandinavia) A/S Vestermarksvej 12 6600 Vejen Tel: +45 7023 2870 Email: Website:

BoviWalk ApS, The camera, using artificial intelligence, identifies the limping cows - Europe news

BoviWalk ApS, The camera, using artificial intelligence, identifies the limping cows - Europe news

Livestock Machinery

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Product description: A video surveillance camera records the cow when it returns from milking. An ear tag reader identifies the animal, after which an algorithm places 20 different points on the cow’s body. Points such as spinal line, head position, leg stance, and dirt length are some of the categories that are evaluated using artificial intelligence to score the lameness of the animals on a scale of 1 to 5. Furthermore, it is also possible to classify which leg the cow is limping on. Expert description: A new standalone system for automatically scoring lameness in cows using camera technology and AI algorithms. A video surveillance camera captures the cow from the side as it returns from milking. An ear tag reader identifies the animal, after which an algorithm analyzes 20 different points on the cow’s body. Points such as spinal line, head position, and leg stance, along with dirt length, are some of the categories used by artificial intelligence to score lameness on a scale of 1 to 5. Additionally, it is also possible to classify which leg the cow is limping on. The farmer can view the score for each individual cow on their phone via an app, where they can also set a lower threshold for when they would like to receive an alert about the cow. Further Information: BoviWalk ApS Oblingvej 26, Sdr. Bork 6893 Hemmet Tel: +45 2844 0871 Email: Website:

Lely Nordic A/S, Lely Zeta - Europe news

Lely Nordic A/S, Lely Zeta - Europe news

Livestock Machinery

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Product description: Lely Zeta is an AI-driven monitor designed to monitor calving processes and the other animals in the barn. The purpose is to improve the farm's animal welfare as well as the farmer's oversight and management of the animals. Expert description: An monitor for monitoring animals in the barn that tracks estrus, movement patterns, and the different locations of the animals within the barn. The system consists of a network of devices mounted in the barn, integrated as a single unit where each monitor contains a camera, LED lighting, and a mini-computer. Additionally, the monitors can be used as individual units for calving monitoring, utilizing AI technology to generate a monitoring algorithm. The devices are installed throughout the barn and then connected to create a comprehensive systematic overview of the herd from above. Through continuous monitoring, AI-driven object tracking, and smart algorithms, the system can recognize the cows and therefore determine their location, specific behavior, and events occurring in the barn. A key component of the monitors is the LED lighting, which supports the cameras and provides clear images. A special "full moon" mode has been developed for nighttime hours, offering sufficient illumination for the system to operate effectively in the barn. The AI-driven barn monitor can also monitor and control other mobile barn robots from the company. Further Information: Lely Nordic A/S Røde Banke 114, Erritsø 7000 Fredericia Tel: +45 7366 1650 Email: Website:

SEGES, Avoid emitting extra nitrous oxide with the new smart risk alert in FarmTracking - Europe news

SEGES, Avoid emitting extra nitrous oxide with the new smart risk alert in FarmTracking - Europe news

Knowledge and service

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Product description: With the new nitrous oxide emissions index in FarmTracking, you can easily see if there is an increased risk of emitting additional nitrous oxide during fertilization. The index can be advantageously used in planning work regarding when to fertilize to avoid creating extra nitrous oxide, thus allowing the index to be used as a climate-enhancing measure for your farm. Expert description: Sometimes it’s small changes in everyday life that can potentially make a significant impact. Such a potential could be found in this small warning tool. Neither consultants nor farmers typically consider nitrous oxide emissions when planning fertilization, which in many cases can lead to inappropriate fertilization in relation to nitrous oxide emissions. With real-time data on soil nutrient content and weather conditions, the app can assist farmers in adjusting their fertilization strategies, ensuring they use exactly the amount needed, thereby reducing waste and emissions. Furthermore, it is a positive addition to an already well-functioning app, rather than creating yet another app. Further Information: SEGES Innovation P/S Agro Food Park 15, Skejby 8200 Århus N Tel: +45 8740 5000 Email: Website:

SEGES, New feature in Mark Online calculates the relative product footprint for the field during the planning phase - Danish news

SEGES, New feature in Mark Online calculates the relative product footprint for the field during the planning phase - Danish news

Knowledge and service

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Product description: Farmers can now optimize their production towards an expected and relatively low product footprint. Already in the field planning stage, farmers and consultants can calculate which input factors will meet the buyers' requirements for climate impact and adjust their farming practices accordingly. A product footprint is measured in CO2e based on anticipated farming practices, with the ability to see the effects of changes in, for example, the type of fertilizer used and the level of fertilization, all while considering the expected yield. Expert description: A new innovative feature in MarkOnline allows farmers to calculate their CO2 emissions during the planning phase. By entering data on crops, fertilizer usage, and farming methods, farmers can obtain an accurate estimate of their climate impact. The feature not only provides insights into the expected CO2 emissions but also offers recommendations for more sustainable practices that can reduce emissions. This tool helps farmers make informed decisions and contributes to a greener future for agriculture. It is unique in that it allows for consideration of CO2 emissions during the planning stage rather than relying on outdated data.

SEMEX, Breeding value for methane efficiency for the Holstein breed - Danish news

SEMEX, Breeding value for methane efficiency for the Holstein breed - Danish news

Knowledge and service

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Product description: With the methane index, it is possible to reduce methane emissions by 20-30% by using bulls with over 105 for methane efficiency by 2050, without compromising performance, health, or longevity. Semex is the only provider that offers to test your breeding animals for methane efficiency through our ELEVATE program. Expert description: The company presents a newly developed breeding index for methane production for its breeding bulls. A correlation has been found between the infrared spectra of milk and the individual animal's CH4 emissions, which can be traced in the animals' genetics, allowing for the establishment of breeding programs aimed at reducing methane production. This has been documented in several scientific articles, including those from Guelph University and the University of Alberta in Canada, as well as the University of Bern in Switzerland. With the methane index, it is possible to reduce methane emissions by 20-30% by using bulls with a methane efficiency score of over 105 by 2050, without compromising performance, health, or longevity. At the same time, the company offers testing of breeding animals for methane efficiency through genetic testing, which dairy producers can then use in their breeding efforts. Further Information: SEMEX Dyreskuevej 15, 7323 Give Tel: +45 4040 4157 Email: Website:

Neeo Bovis ApS, The treatment of mastitis contributes positively to the climate balance and reduced CO2 emissions. - Europe news

Neeo Bovis ApS, The treatment of mastitis contributes positively to the climate balance and reduced CO2 emissions. - Europe news

Knowledge and service

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Product description: Cows with clinical or subclinical mastitis are counted in disease statistics. With our method, we can reduce and maintain low somatic cell counts. The cows achieve more lactations than they otherwise would, and the replacement rate decreases. The illness period is shortened, and the cows quickly return to their previous production levels. There is no withdrawal period, and the milk can be used for calves during the foremilking period. Additionally, the cow receives pain relief through the Neeo Bovis Laser method. Expert description: Handheld laser equipment for treating udder and hoof ailments in dairy cows. This new technology, never before used in cows but long known in human treatment, has a significant body of data supporting its treatment efficacy. It is unprecedented for production animals. The specially developed laser machine is patented, with an effective depth of up to 28 cm, posing no risk of burns, tissue damage, or other risk factors. No similar products are available on the market targeting production animal treatments. Laser treatment is an alternative or supplement to traditional antibiotic treatment, resulting in a shorter illness duration and faster return of cows to production. It also reduces medication use and eliminates or shortens milk withdrawal periods, especially useful for organic dairy producers. Milk from treated animals can safely be used for calf feeding. Cows return to production more quickly post-illness with less lactational yield loss. Thus, the illness period is shortened, and milk withdrawal time can be reduced or eliminated entirely. The laser method contributes to better climate accounting and CO2 calculations. Milk that would otherwise be discarded during antibiotic withdrawal can now be used for calves. Additionally, there's no resource waste in feeding a cow that cannot produce milk due to the absence of withdrawal time with the laser method. Further information: Neeo Bovis ApS Enghavevej 4a, 8600 Silkeborg Tel: +45 5455 4947 Email: Website:

Yding Smedie A/S, Hybrid solution for weed control: Uniting the best of both worlds.

Yding Smedie A/S, Hybrid solution for weed control: Uniting the best of both worlds.

Agricultural machinery

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Product description: FarmDroid's micro-spraying system combines mechanical weeding with conventional weed control methods for comprehensive weed management in crops. Utilizing RTK GPS technology, the FarmDroid FD20 applies pesticides or fertilizers directly to the plants where it is most needed. This approach reduces the need for plant protection by up to 94%, benefiting the environment while simultaneously lowering operational costs. Our unique GPS-based system micro-sprays pesticides precisely where it is needed, covering only about 6% of the field. The remaining 94% of the field is managed mechanically by the robot's blades, knives, and discs. The FarmDroid micro-spraying system features innovative PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) electric nozzles. These precision nozzles deliver minimal doses with exceptional accuracy, ensuring that the exact amount is sprayed on the plant precisely where it is needed. Expert description: Farm has primarily been targeted towards organic farmers and has assisted with mechanical weed control. By combining mechanical weed management with a new micro-sprayer, FarmDroid can now keep the fields completely free of weeds while keeping herbicide consumption to a minimum. The micro-sprayer can achieve a coverage area as small as 7x7 cm, reducing chemical usage by up to 94%. Further Information: Yding Smedie A/S Egeskovvej 10, 8751 Gedved Tel: +45 7578 2230 Email: Website:

CMN maskintec A/S, An advanced disc drill designed specifically for the efficient sowing of cover crops.

CMN maskintec A/S, An advanced disc drill designed specifically for the efficient sowing of cover crops.

Agricultural machinery

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Product description: CMN Maskintec proudly presents its latest innovation in agricultural technology – an advanced disc seeder specifically designed for the efficient sowing of cover crops. This new seeder will be showcased at Agromek, Northern Europe’s largest agricultural fair, where it is expected to attract significant attention from farmers and industry experts. The new disc seeder from CMN Maskintec is built on the company’s extensive experience in precision sowing and soil cultivation. It has been developed to meet the rising demand for sustainable and efficient solutions for cover crops – an essential component of modern agricultural practices that improves soil health, reduces erosion, and minimizes weed emergence through minimal soil disturbance. With its cutting-edge disc technology, this seeder delivers exceptional precision, ensuring uniform sowing density throughout the field. The machine is designed to adapt to various soil conditions and crop types, providing farmers with the flexibility they need to optimize their sowing operations and enhance the overall productivity of their fields. Expert description: S crops in corn, without simultaneous soil disturbance, is a growing demand from dairy farmers. The Achilles' heel of other commercial cover crop seeders is that the sections control depth based on the spacing between corn rows. This can result in varying sowing depths and slightly increased weed emergence due to increased soil disturbance. The CMN machine offers individual depth control per seed row. This is optimal for, for example, increasing cutting pressure in the tractor's tracks and minimizing soil disturbance/minimizing new weed emergence. Further Information: CMN Maskintec A/S A.C. Hoppesvej 5 7790 Thyholm Tel: +45 9787 2000 Email: Website:

Semler Agro A/S, New electronics optimize the accuracy of Väderstad Tempo - Danish news

Semler Agro A/S, New electronics optimize the accuracy of Väderstad Tempo - Danish news

Agricultural machinery

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Product description: In 2024, Väderstad will introduce the new electronic system WSX for the Väderstad Tempo F, Tempo V, and Tempo L seeders. By upgrading the seeder's electronics, new features are activated that ensure greater accuracy in the field during single-seed sowing. The new features include automatic adjustment of singulators, active hydraulic cutting pressure on each row unit, and curve compensation. Expert description: In single-seed planting, such as corn, the correct spacing between corn plants and correct planting depth are crucial parameters. The innovation offers these features with curve control, which ensures uniform seeding across the entire width of the planter when turning. This is achieved by temporarily reducing the seeding rate in the inner rows, while the outer units increase the seeding rate. Additionally, the active hydraulic coulter pressure, regulated via sensors on the depth wheels of the row units, ensures accurate seeding depth regardless of soil conditions. The planter can be equipped with active hydraulic coulter pressure with one feedback and control for the entire machine width or with individual active hydraulic coulter pressure for each row unit. Further Information: Väderstad - Semler Agro A/S Kokholm 1B, 6000 Kolding Tel: +45 2383 9584 Email: Website:

WekoAgro Machinery, Self-propelled and self-charging electric-powered irrigation machine with an energy package and automatic foldable boom.  - Europe news

WekoAgro Machinery, Self-propelled and self-charging electric-powered irrigation machine with an energy package and automatic foldable boom. - Europe news

Agricultural machinery

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Product description: Autonomous self-propelled irrigation machine with an energy package that gives the machine its own power source. It can move and roll the hose in and out without water pressure. The energy package is charged by a turbine/generator solution that provides electricity when the machine is operating with water pressure. It is equipped with newly developed control that allows operation of the irrigation machine's various settings and is prepared for future requirements. The machine features a patent-pending automatic foldable boom, enabling the fulfillment of farmers' demands for precision irrigation. Expert description: Irrigation machine with electric operation of all mechanical functions, powered by an integrated 24-volt electrical system with a corresponding battery setup. The energy for the machine's functions, such as propulsion, hose retraction, and operation of the start-stop valve, is supplied by the 24-volt system. The energy for the electrical system is provided by a generator driven by a partial flow turbine built into the piping system between the machine's hose reel and the outlet for either the irrigation gun or boom. The engagement of the partial flow turbine is regulated according to the battery pack's need for electricity, avoiding unnecessary pressure loss through the turbine system. Additionally, the battery pack's energy supply allows the machine to be propelled even without water in the system, enabling selective irrigation exclusion of areas along a single irrigation path—for example, in depressions in the field. Besides electric operation, the machine is equipped with a mounted irrigation boom. The boom is divided into four sections per side, with the outermost section on each side folding above section number three. The machine is controlled by an integrated computer system that can be operated from a display on the machine. Since the machine's data is uploaded to a server via a GSM module, it is also possible to log into the machine from a PC and operate it in this way.


Deadline for registration

5 September 2024

The nominated are revealed

21 October 2024

The winners are elected at Agromek

26 November 2024 in Hall D

Allocation of stars

Below are the news that have been awarded 3, 2, or 1 star, respectively

3 stars

2 stars

1 star

Judges and experts committee


Jesper Tambour, agriculturarist
Kristian Boel Kjær Østergaard, agriculturarist
Lars Kristensen, agriculturarist
Karl Jørgen Nielsen, consulting engineer


Experts committee

Christian Lervad Bach, Velas 
Gunnar Schmidt, Byggeri & Teknik I/S
Helge Kromann, Byggeri & Teknik I/S
Henning Sjørslev Lyngvig, SEGES Innovation
Janni Hales, SEGES Innovation 
Jesper Riber Nielsen, SEGES Innovation
Kristian Helms, Helms TMT
Mikkel Brauer, Velas 
​Niels Morten Sloth, SEGES Innovation 
Torkild Birkmose, SEGES Innovation

A story if success from Agromek Stars - Assentoft Silo

Listen when John Serup tells about Assentoft Silos story of success, after receiving 3 stars at Agromek Stars in 2022.

You can also meet the agriculturarist Erik Bredholt, who bought the der har købt nitrogen system.
