Danish Agro, New cutting cylinder for a self-propelled forage harvester.

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Product description:

The V-FLEX cutting cylinder from CLAAS ensures the user greater durability and longer lifespan, resulting in lower operating costs.

Expert description:

The V FLEX cutting cylinder for the CLAAS JAGUAR 900 series ensures lower costs for chopping grass, corn, biomass, etc. V FLEX is a completely redesigned cutter knife. According to the manufacturer, the design of the knife and counter blade adjustment offers users approximately 20% longer knife lifespan and significantly reduces the process time for counter blade adjustments. It is now possible to operate with half knives, which ensures better cutting quality for longer chop lengths and significantly reduces noise during chopping.

Further information:

Danish Agro
Vesterballevej 19, Snoghøj, 7000 Fredericia
Tel: 25126341
Email: thra@da-machinery.dk
Website: https://danishagro.dk/

Tractors and combine harvesters

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