New Grain pit with drive-proof or tread-proof grate

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25 November 2024 | Sukup Europe A/S

Sukup presents a newly developed grain pit for all types of Skandia conveyors.

The grain pit is produced with either a drive-proof or a tread-proof grate.

* Mounted suspended in a strong frame - ensures easy access for
* Made of 3 mm galvanized sheet metal
* Fixed width of 3.5 meters
* The length can be increased by 0.5 meter sections - without any
upper limit
* The smooth surface minimizes the need for cleaning
* Easy to install - all holes are pre-drilled

The drive-proof grain pit is supplied with:

* Heavy-duty support beams for the drive-on grate
* Drive-on grate in 0.5-2 meter sections
* Bolted together

The tread-proof grain pit is supplied with:

* Attached to concrete via included brackets
* Flexible placement depending on depth
* Heavy-duty tread-proof grate - galvanized

Stop by our booth D3220 for more information.

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Sukup Europe A/S

For over 65 years, we have been a proud supplier of drying and
storage facilities for agriculture. Our experience and great
know-how creates valuable solutions for customers every day
all of Europe.
We are today one of the oldest companies in the industry
grain drying and storage, which helps to ensure
optimal and efficient solutions for both agriculture and industry.
Until 2015 we were operated under the name DanCorn, and today is
we marketed as Sukup Europe. We have a strong
ownership structure as the foundation for the business, but with a
business model and agenda that is firmly

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