
See you again 24-27 November 2026!

Agromek 2024: four eventful days 

Thank you for four marvellous days filled with machinery, technology, innovation and development - what an industry party. We would like to thank our partners, exhibitors and not least the visitors who stopped by Northern Europe's largest agricultural trade fair - it has been a great pleasure. 




International visitors

Feel the good atmosphere at Agromek 2024.

Become an exhibitor at Agromek - Northern Europe's largest agricultural trade fair

Become an exhibitor at Agromek

As an exhibitor at Agromek, Northern Europe's largest agricultural trade fair, you have a unique opportunity to create visibility and brand yourself within the industry. Take part in an industry event with high professional knowledge, networking and innovative opportunities that attracts a large crowd of relevant professionals. 
Will you be there?

Next time

Agromek: 24 - 27 November 2026

Yes please, let me hear mor


Looking back

Join the industry celebration

When the agricultural industry comes together at Agromek in Herning, it’s for a large and eventful celebration, with plenty of opportunities to network with both Danish and international customers, suppliers, partners, and colleagues.

Towards a greener future for agriculture

At Agromek 2024, we presented a brand new innovation area, the Innovation & Expertise Hub hosting the Main Stage where we brought together politics, knowledge and business for presentations and debate on the future of Danish agriculture. 

Stay updated on industry development

In the run-up to Agromek 2024, the biogas area underwent a development and became the Energy Hall, which also included pyrolysis and Power-to-X among others. The Energy Stage featured exciting presentations in both Danish and English.

Contact us

If you have questions about Agromek, we are ready to assist you.

Contact us

Receive an offer for a stand

Become part of the exhibitor team. Reach out and get a nice placement.

Receive an offer for a stand
